some people call me jake tatum, no, i'm a sweet guy. >>> why care about shot term hit if you have long-term investment strategy. amen. how many times have i said i like xyz stock, it goes down that day and people want to burn me in effigy or burn me in scalding oil. it doesn't have to be that day. think a little longer term. particularly one year out get better tax break. >>> here we have @diaga who wants to know aside from your own what other books should home investors have under their belts one up on wall street and beat the street, peter lynch, available on amazon. you might want to look at some of david darst's books, those are available on amazon. i use those to learn a great deal and he taught me a lot at goldman sachs and then moved on, but david darst's books are very good. >>> up next, @dr. hoy 480 tweets, do you ever sleep or did one of your biotechs provide you with clones to assist? winky face. winky face presuming means like an emoji thing. no, i don't sleep. okay. now we've answered that question. >>> now, btw which i think stance for by the way, i am now following your know