criminal investigator martin sullivan, christopher delzato and michael braconi for their tireless efforts that led to today's actions. at this time i would like to introduce michael har "pst" ra from the fbi, and he will provide you with additional details after which the director will address you. thank you. >> good afternoon. described by securities and wire fraud trifecta of lies, deceit, and greed. as charged martin shkreli targeted investors and retained their business by maintaining several misrepresentations and omissions about key facts of the funds that he managed. the hedge fund, however, was essentially worthless. at this point he along with outside counsel evan grabel conspired to create a series of agreements detailing the payoff to msmb capital investors without the approval of the board of directors. in the end the settlement resulted in investors suffering a loss in excess of $11 million. while the charges announced today are significant, they are but one example of what's left to come as the fbi continues this investigation. many thanks as always to our partners there the