instruction has been squeezed out of the curriculum, and that has been scene, if you think about it common sensiclyif you are engaging kids in projects where they are critically thinking, they are working with each other. they see what happens if they fall down or stumble or like if they are doing a robotic's project, it doesn't work, those are all skills we need to teach kids, but that is not on the test. so we need to broaden the kinds of things that people can do, and use data to inform instruction not as a hammer or as the instruction. >> when you hear discussion, pedro, of robotics and the very important lessons that can be drawn from something that can't balance itself, is that even really two or three steps ahead of where you are thinking about schools of 500 and 600 kids where the kids aren't properly fed, they come from a house with no books, they come from a house where no one reads to them, and in a hypersegregate environment where almost everybody in the school is as poor as they are? >> no. i think we have to increase the services available to school. but also increase the quality of w