freeze warning, citrus, hernando and inland pasco county, us 19 would be a good barrier to gauge who is in and who is out. us 19 and east will be in the freeze warning. coastal pasco, not in it but doesn't downplay. that's more of a heads up for those trying to take care of anything that might be sensitive to the freeze mark. as to who will see it, usually a freeze warning means you can get there for a couple if not a morning. 45 in jacksonville, 49 in melbourne, straight east of us, to the atlantic side, 49 also in orlando, then interesting is the dew points, to see them in teens in jacksonville, very every now and then we do, but not many days in the year we have dew points so low as we head into the overnight hours. so as those temperatures tumble from the 50 degree mark in tampa right now, see you again at 11:00, i would expect mid 40s if not low 40s and our wake- up temperature should be right around 39 degrees in tampa. let's take you step-by-step where you live. looking at around 35 in brandon, 39 around the airport, closer to downtown, 38 degrees, on the pinellas side of the bay, central to northern pinellas, 38, 39. should be about right for daybrea