coburg.>>> -- mr. coburg -- koebrich. >> warm and cold.>> you can definitely see a separation. there is yellow on the top and there is blue on the bottom. that's intersection, we will call that the brown cloud. so, you can actually look at this over here. >> i have one bottle that says it is cold on the bottle and the other one is warm on the top. if we cold temperatures on the bottom and warm on the top, this is fraught with peril when i turn this over. what happens when i pull the this is what kathy sabine calls temperature inversion. when the lower atmosphere is trapped by warmer upper atmosphere, look at what happens. >> nothing moves. >> that is not good.>> we have the colder temperatures on the top and warmer on the bottom. this is bad from the standpoint of the cars. we create the pollution and it doesn't mix. you want the sun to heat the earth and then you want the warm earth and the cold on the top. watch what happens when we put warm on the bottom.>> we are going to put cold on the top and watch what happens. it is like what we saw before. look at the great mixing. it