dt artmensaid t justekhis we d, that id notpp en happed.ca beatuse thus's jt t noy the wa ea i trasted cl sified rm infoation. in head ngs aressot claatificion ce notis.so ti often'rmes weyie trong t e get thnfbest ionormatin we ca viand obwhously aat i'msking wfor isr hateve can betr teansmitt d if it doesn'come h throug, secureto be tr teansmithed on tss unclaified st syem., soerno, thote is no hing t lithat, muke so e ch elsasthat hen bed talkeinabout as the lt year. >> n so inano instwhce -- at'sri stboking at ut thaulparticar il e-maug, it syogests u wereve ilry fac he withdoow to this,th ceis pross. kn you iew thetinstruchoons w tot ge ndarou the ricestrortion f se clnding edassifima infor.tion re you'in sayerg thnee was ver an ceinstanot, any inher cestan in h whicd you dinot? >> no. wand itseasn't nt. i so t think ahis is nother ceinstan w where chat isommon tipracmece, naokly, loed, i ne in ioformat hn, iomad stse poin i to had a make,asnd i wng waiti r he me t p whole.icture of but estentim's there o a lotf atinformation th a isn'tt all ficlassied. w sor hateveatinformcaion n bepr apat