. >> that koumd be a horror story here. >> i don't mean that in a negative way.most of these are incredibly smart, working incredibly hard. often as we are about to enter, again, another period of the government is going to shut down, you're going to be forced to not get a paycheck. it's a little stressful. one of the things that ends up happening, i think, for many people on the federal government looking to do the right thing is they have a motivation of minimized incoming criticism. it's never pleasant. congressional hearings, newspapers, et cetera. one of the things you end up doing is you try to tread these fine lines. you know, the meat industry is a lot more interested in what happens in the regulatory standpoint than, you know, consumers. someone is taking care of it, i know it. they're worried about mad cow disease over there. and they're worried that my chicken is going to be clean. those inkus ris have a lot at stake. so they can really push their agenda. you want to do the right thing by consumers. you want to do the right thing by the producers, you