. >> leslie odom, jr.: hamilton doesn't hesitate he exhibits no restraint and he takes and he takes and he takes... >> rose: aaron burr is another key ingredient, the show's narrator. he is hamilton's cautious alter ego. >> odom: if there's a reason he seems to thrive so few survive then, goddamit, i'm willing to wait for it. i'm willing to wait for it! >> rose: played by leslie odom, jr., burr's jealousy builds throughout the show until their fateful meeting on the dueling ground. >> chernow: the bullet hit him actually on the right side just above the hip. it lodged in the spine. >> rose: by the time they faced off in weehawkin, new jersey, burr was a lame duck vice president, and hamilton, just shy of his 50th birthday, was practicing law. how could that happen? >> chernow: think of duels, charlie, as a violent form of conflict resolution. frustrated. it seemed like at every turn, alexander hamilton was there, you know, blocking his path. >> miranda: he writes in a letter before the duel. he said, "there was no way this could have been avoided. we have been circling each other for a