prof. spenceget out, sell your stocks, wait for the evaluation to occur. a better job of communicating what they are really doing. tom: we'll have to talk about the markets on the move. you invented stanford education a few years ago, some would say. within that, i am sure you of rationalizing a market moves -- moving up, or in this case, moving down. walk us through the mistakes executives and our viewers make as they try to rationalize these correlated markets. prof. spence: the underlying fundamental problem is that there is very broad-based weakness and fragility in the underlying global market. the asset prices went off on a with the benefit of hindsight -- unrealistic growth assets. in china, emerging markets, europe, and so on. asset markets are volatile, but in the process of settling down. francine: we spoke to the ubs chairman -- he was great, but he was pointing to the fact there's angst in the markets. it comes from various things. politics, china, inflation, oil, but he could not put