you what happened -- and what to do before you "park and ride." 73000 i'm very angry yeah -- stephano somma has good reason. he left his car with premier parking usa . took its airport shuttle and paid them $60. that was ten days ago . -- seven 2953. i know it's incredible 58 -- without warning premier shut down earlier this week . leaving customers cars locked in a lot . the keys inside . and no one to help. -- -- not only that . someone decided to help themselves breaking in and getting their keys . but leaving the others behind. those keys are now with the property landlord . he and hillsborough deputies have tried calling customers to -- 63551 i ran this place from night time to early- morning from sunup to sundown without no complaints 57 -- it's not just customers who got the premier treatment. -- 63212 i am disgusted right now disgusted with this company -- workers found out they were out of a job by text message . and they haven't been paid. djames antoine worked here for 3.5 years . to pay his way through college . now -- 3228 i work hard for the paycheck over 88 hours is owed to m