>> so, at that point he had really just been charged in the murder of theresa haubaugh.aura said, this idea that this man who had been failed so terribly by the system and really failed for 18 years-- you know, there had been opportunities for the system to correct itself, and it hadn't. and now he was stepping back in 20 years later, and, you know, in that 20 years, there had been advanced in d.n.a. there had been legislative reforms. there was a lot of talk that wrongful convictions don't happen anymore. this is a thing of the past. and we didn't have d.n.a. back then. you know, it was an opportunity to sort of test that theory. so at that point we decided to go into production and we went to wisconsin. we moved there and then documented this new case this, theresa haubaugh murder case, as it unfolded. >> rose: what's the biggest question you have now, having gone through all this, having seen it become a sensation, or much talked about in terms of media conversation? >> i guess a major question i come way wae with is, you know, to what extent are we as a society going