i met seal, as he's called in the book, at a 24-hour untra marathon and i was doing it as a relay team and saw him by when you say 24-hour marathon, running for 24 hours straight. >> yeah. >> you've got teammates you're passing off a baton to and he is passing off the baton to nobody. >> to nobody. >> that's crazy. >> crazy. and the race was self-supported which means you bring all of your own supplies. so we went a little overboard, we had a tent and we had food and masseuses and all of this stuff and he sat by himself alone in a fold up chair with a bottle of water and crackers for 24 hours and i'm like, whatever he has in his mind, i want a little bit of that in various parts of my life and i will be a lot better off. >> i can understand that. the normal response might be to somebody can you train with me for a little while but you went full board. >> i cold called him, i googled him and i said i want to come out and meet you. i got on a plane and literally after sitting with him and chatting for a couple of minutes he was so -- he had so much passion and determination and there was