clapmac. we have done a good good job making sure that everybody's boy scouts. if you go on line you can participate in the survey if you like. if you want to know more about it ask me afterward. i will keep you all for that. we are going to call this caucus to order. we have the agenda listed right here on the wall. we have gone through the registration portion of the evening, that was a long one. i am calling the caucus to order as we speak. we will need to elect a permanent caucus chair and secretary. we will then have various presentations, will go through the liability and then divide if we must, then we'll figure out who gets how many delegates based on the total in each preference group. following that will go through additional pieces and we will report the results of our caucus, then will go forward with choosing who is going to be delegates to the county convention for each preference group. then we will make sure we have people to be on each of the committees based on who is going to be on the county convention. just because you don't get picked to be