joining at the table today are care in, deputy chief of cgp and elliot greenwald, deputy chief of the disability rights office. care and will get us context and history of this proceeding and elliot will present the item. in addition to karen and elliot i would like to thank the chief of it is the rights office, susie, also. michelle, or event, maria, diana and jeffrey of the media bureau. sharon and tracy of enforcement bureau and maryland and susan of the general counsel's office for the work to support this item. >> thank you. good morning, mr. chairman, and commissioners. we've often heard it said that of all of the improvements in accessibility achievement in the last century for people who are deaf and hard of hearing, closed-captioned was the most significant. as was true for the last item presented the obligation to closed-captioned came from the 1996 amendments to the communications act celebrated now by its 20th anniversary. and telfair good 2014 problems with a quart of captions had gradually been making television viewing with closed-captioned increasing difficulty in the