jen lennon: but i don't want to keep up with sometimes. because i don't like some of the trends that i'm seeing. pam: yeah. jen: whether it's the class selections that i feel like my kids are supposed to take because everybody else is or whether it's the next new gadget. sometimes i think it's okay to want to walk your own path, and i've literally said -- i sound like a grumpy old lady but i've literally said the phase in my house, "well, if you want to do what so and so's parents do, go live with them." you know? tiffany haywood: i think i'm the "them." i'm the other person's parents because we have gotten to the point where we say "yes" to everything. our whole foundation was i started working when i was 13. my mother literally the day after my birthday took me to get my working papers. >> oh, wow. tiffany: 13 years old. and she had the job lined up already. >> wow! bao: she knew the guy at the store who could give me a job. so like i worked forever, my husband was the same way so when we had kids, we were like, we don't want them to work