>> i wanted to open an investigation centering on jim parish and jack eckerty and mike mcfatridge, looking at this for official misconduct, sub onning perjury, and impeding a criminal investigation, and worse. >> mike callahan was about to discover the consequences of turning the spotlight on his own department. >>> michael callahan now knew the case against randy steidl was deeply flawed and needed to be reinvestigated. in the year 2000, he took his findings to his superiors. >> we went into the lieutenant's office. very plush. she closes the door, and she's in yun form. she sits down behind her desk. >> callahan walked her through the evidence, the conflicting evidence and the recantations. he even highlighted reports that detectives parrish and eckerty had plied witnesses reinboldt and harrington with alcohol to shape their testimony. >> she looks at us, and she said, you cannot reopen the rhoads case. it's too politically sensitive. i flashed back to all the days i went undercover and risked my life, always believing in the illinois state police and that we would always do the right th