. >> the second question that ms. mohanrought our middle-income housing served by market-rate no, if households earning up to one and 40 thesaurus if in thth not in market-rate their priced out and i want to take a moment to say this diverts public resources from the affordable housing that serves the 40ur8dz the greatest needs or community to do that i'll highlight in go districts they're significant gentrification go pressures district 10 and district 9 we anticipate investing close to $400 million in 5 years those dollars are more low income housing the density program bonus program will not take away any of those dollars or divert them towards middle-income program the sdenlt program will precede in parallel and add to the investment by providing might have housing it proceeds that housing we don't say remember we currently have 32 amusements if the city portfolio with households earning above the ami by way of the conclusion i want to reiterate we see two clear benefits the first is that it creates a means to produce y