. >> good afternoon commissioners this is nancy hom i am the director of puc commission control. are based senior management are done internally. the agency values these activity and takes into consideration all recommendation that is made by visiting auditors. >>> are highlighted executive summary report had a total of 42% of individual cooperation. as we continue throughout this year this may continue to increase as we continue with our plan and with individual audits. we had completed audits this past quarter of a total of 17% in total. this present quarter shifted more towards a national audit, this is a result of recent conditions in our financial statement and are financial market. >>> again of the 8 projects that were completed in order and in addition to the financial audits the following were completed. the data processing for the trade year. as previously reported in the previous commission meeting those evaluation of lessons learned in the wsip and applied by ssip i kevin shenk. and finally the citywide procurement assessment and no recommendations were made regarding