a hero. you've got to have a hero. you've got to have an exame of somebody you wanna be like. paul wrote, "follow me as i follow christ." elisha saw a hero in elijah. ruth saw a hero in naomi. timothy looked at paul as a hero. joshua looked at moses as a hero. esther looked at mordecai as an advisor, as a hero. so your mind needs an example to follow. the law of the mind. i tell my staff there's three things i want in every room i enter, 'cause i believe in preparing an environment for learning. i really do. i'm a strong believer in nurturing an environment. purpose. some homes are built with a purpose of a playpen and things for children. others for conversation. and my home was created for learning. i have a learning environment. i think learning. i think constantly about knowledge and information because the holy spirit is the spirit of knowledge according to isaiah 11:1-2. he's the spirit of wisdom according to ephesians 1:17. he knows everything. so i want to be a learner. now, my mind needs to be fed food. my mind is wanting to absorb, and it will pick up negative if i don't give it an assignment