gone pffft. i just feel like i have nothing. i'll tell you one thing. i just thank god you suggested major changes. no, it's notthe elevator that's hard, it's the second floorthat goes with it. i don't carewhat suzanne said. second floors are hard. i'll talk to youat the meeting. yes, suzannewill be there. suzanne strikes again, huh? you've got it. is it as bad as when she ordered the bumper stickers that said, "architect's have flying buttresses"? i don't know whati'll do with her. you were going to fire her two weeks ago. her husband left her. her wholeworld fell apart. i don't wantto deliver the final blow. whatever happened to the days when people who hated each other stuck together. yeah, thosewere the days. it's hard being a kid. never know when your family will fall apart. you don't need to worry. people who kiss that much will stay together. i think she's right. we're just doing this for you so you know our marriage is ok. it's notlike we enjoy it. that's enough. we get the point. oh, sure. i remember kissing. rub it in. can we get going, dad? i