. >> doblin's ultimate goal is to make physicia psychedelic assisd psychotherapy legal. >> should i break the law to administer them mdma, i'm not going to recommend that but i'm not going to condemn it either. i think it's a point of conscience that everybody has to say, the laws are immoral, the laws of wrong. we should have been able to do this research 30 years ago. >> my task is to set it up, make sure the person is comfortable, feel safe, they trust the situation, they trust myself, they trust the medicine, let the medicine take hold, and a warm friendly helpful process. >> simon says there are over 100 like him, self described healers who are risking arrest in order to bring the healing to his patients. he asked us to alter his voice. >> if m.d.ma was available too me when i was in trouble earlier in my life, my life would have been hugely different. >> simon, who cautions he makes no profit from the psychedelics he gives his patients, says the results are worth the risk. >> four sessions now i thefer heard froneverheard from him age he's going to the mets game with his son. i don'