the border land, the mountain ranges on the border what's now the czech republic, then check low vaccia. and the british prime minister neville chamberlain said this is peace in our time. we've appeased hitler. we've made a deal with them rather than go to war at a time when many many in britain did not believe the british could fight that kind of conflict. they weren't mobilized. appeasement became a dirty word afterwards. you can never an spees a dictator. they'll always want more. so when american foreign policy was discussed in the 140s and 1950s, it was discussed in terms of let's learn from history. and one piece of history you need to learn from is you can never negotiate with a totalitarian regime. that wants to expand. you can't. you have to stop aggression. this helps to shape what goes on during the coiled war. you can't let them go. if you let them come here, the so-called domino theory, once one country falls an, another one will follow. that's one. of course, what's the culminating point of that debate in vietnam. that's followed by something called vietnam syndrome which