and the reason why that is significant is because of her .on, victor hydel he was born in 1835 when anna was a young woman. anna's mistress had a brother who impregnated anna. this was so long ago, we don't raped, but foras enslaved women, there was no such thing as consent, because they didn't own their bodies. so victor was born of anna and antoine. he would have been considered in louisiana ad quad room, three quarters , and enslaved by his own family. this is one instance we know of for certain. 100 years of ownership, of all these 350 four people, we know there were many, many more people born here of enslaved mothers and white fathers. and those children born of those in slaved women -- in slaved women belonged to their own family, would not necessarily better, and would sometimes be treated worse because usually there was a white wife somewhere in there who understood where those coming from. so, the separation between enslaved people and enslavers was not really there. there was a lot of mixing in terms of sexual assault, in terms of actual relationships. certainly here in louisi