there was a lot of speculation that hamilton may have had an affair with his sister-in-law angelica skyler who was extremely beautiful, elegant, and sophisticated but we don't have any definite proof and i am somewhat doubtful of it simply because angelico was extremely close with his sister eliza. the entire skyler family adored alexander hamilton. if they felt he was having an affair with eliza's sister, they would not have. charlie: this is a pamphlet of some 900 pages. is this a way that people communicated? >> this is a highly verbal era. if you were a politician you were expected to write essays and pamphlets were almost the preferred form of political warfare. hamilton would have felt very comfortable publishing this in a pamphlet forum. this was a literate generation of politicians. charlie: it's his observations on certain documents contained in the history of the united 1796, inr the year which the charge of speculation against alexander hamilton, late secretary to treasury is fully reputed, written by himself. 1797. >> you know why he put that, written by himself, because most o