what won the war with the sioux afterwards was just persistent dogged pursuit because the lakotas and cheyennes had to disperse to behind to sustain themselves. why lee could not sustain himself in the invasions of the north. his troops had to spread tout out to gather supplies. lee would have had to retreat. it would have been demoralizing hat the ewan not won but constant pressure brought the plains indians down in the en. wasn't big battlefield successes. and so it was just deploying the troops and keeping them out in the field is the way they won. you have to really go to the apache wars to find innovative thinking when its came to indian warfare and that's a really interesting story. it's all interesting because you have a few individuals in a vast landscape, many whom knew each other, one degree of separation apart. it's just an incredibly dramatic story, and the fates of nations are in play. so, it's always good history, even if we sometimes can't stand some of the people involved. yes, sir. >> appropriate for you. just a military -- your pin. if reno had charged the indian cam