so how do we bring people together for what is marge lieding both blacks and whites? before i came over, my son, who is a high school student, came over briefly with one of his classmates on the baseball team. and my kid is white and his friend is african-american, and his best friends are the guys on the team. and so they're big buddies, and they're all together all the time. but i know that my son, walking out of that house, is less of a danger than his friend walking outside of his house even in the same neighborhood. so those are realities that we have to be honest about. my son, luke, i wrote this book after trayvon martin was killed. and everyone knows that my big, six foot son, luke, if a white kid was in the same place trayvon martin was doing the same thing, he would have come back to me, and trayvon martin would be going to college next year. those are marginalized. and no matter who they are, we have to deal with those issues, and they feel that neither wall street or washington cares about them and they don't. so how do you bring young people together to s