what you see in dark blue is every state that received mexican guestworkers. those are a lot of states. there are only a couple that didn't. why do you think a couple did not? guesses. >> they had enough labor in the states already? >> we're getting closer. >> the cheap labor with african americans in that area because it is the south. after slavery was abolished, quote unquote, they were still there. that would've been the cheap labor. >> you are all getting very close. these other states also brought in guestworkers, from jamaica and the british west indies. there was another guestworker program that existed alongside the bracero program. puerto rican agricultural workers were also recruited. states like michigan. braceros could find themselves workers alongside puerto ricans. because of their status, puerto ricans could come in freely and in some ways work some areas and avoid some of the red tape that the bracero program brought about. but also endured heavy exploitation. how do we imagine that the bracero program affected mexican migration? >> they migrat