mike mouser was one of the ones you nerve would have guessed, he gave this persona. i'm a firearm, this is me. -- ien i'm a fireman. this is what i do. hammer hammer hammer. >> by putting him on that pedestal, my guess is that he didn't, you know, want anybody to think that there was something wrong. >> mike was one of the most, to me, well adjusted, normal, nothing that was dark, i don't know how many years i knew mike but it was -- that was a complete shock. ♪ >> as more firefighters take their lives, the question is how can it be stopped? psychologists say talking can be the key to reducing the number of suicides in the fire service. they say having firefighters turn to each other for help, is the most effective way to address their mental health. but very few fire departments offer peer counseling programs. the fire service has no central decision making body so it's up to thousands of individual fire commissioner and chiefs to make any changes. these chiefs often rely on the u.s. fire administration for recommendations. it is the federal government agency in cha