thisiss a nightmtme, b b let m giveveou the botm m ne. a n n n nre that could have buburemeadage you n' be hurt bybyhis one again. in nersey up. e. >> caller:ello, cramer. >> joe >> caller: hey, i was the grand hyatt on saturday in new rk. for a t.d. ameritrade semi somee said t ty spotted you there. were you there? learning a lot from larry cramer i was there. what's going o caller: anyway, yeah, my question is about gilead sciences. >> rht.% >> caller: they seem to be doing the right thgs with go earnings. the approvals the hepatitis drug and analysts are saying they're giving it a $100 price target, but my concern is the political head winds. shld that op me from buyin it? > i have to telof the onev of e orsef worries me theorst. itn pee , but i i won't tell you to ll off, cause it tooooooap ununun irrrrularities s ua sellll much more d eaea more tn 25illion a a a ans suffer frodiabetes. i will t tk to the ceo of the company who has an app tt makes their life easier. p>>> and upore an 100%, see 0ift can stayn g od healtlt us the super