the other issue is -- joe zirin zirin -- joe sir rinse -- through plowshares. what should we do aside from sounding alarm. i suggest a few significant actions we should be thinking about. one of them, fundamentally is try to deal with this context problem. , nothing that can be done in that area unless we seriously reengage russia at the highest political levels, president to president. i'm urging that on our own president to date without success. we're urging it on the russian president. everything we can do to try to promote this idea that until our two presidents re-engage at least on the issue of nuclear dangers, we're not going to change that context. we have to provide the conditions which will set the stage where the rhetoric will be toned down. secondly, i think we should be rethinking the starting of a new nuclear arms race. i lived through the one during the cold war. i think one in this century, one in a lifetime is quite enough. particularly in a modest way i proposed one action which we could take which is in our own reconsideration of rebuilding o