games, something a lot of folks don't know about kyle is he is incredibly superstitionous, knock on word. he'll detour his monday morning drive in new orleans to pass by the super-dome if the saints won on sunday, he'll sip the same type of burea bourbon. i'll tell you a quick story related to that about his green polo. on election day in 2004, kyle was wearing a campaign t-shirt, but he wasn't going to be able go to the polls that way to vote and do some poll watching. sod asked around the office if he could borrow a different shirt and matt abrams, now dean heller's chief of staff and who was a key staff member in my office and campaign at that time, loaned him his green polo. well, we won that race big and kyle hasn't returned the green polo yet, and he wears it every election day, although we're not sure if that's pure superstition or also because he's so darn cheap. now, while kyle will now be living in louisiana, his impact will remain strong in our work and our office and our culture. he'll be able to see it in legislation which helped louisiana and the country and thousands and t