thedly, when you got into policy discussion, and even though the director of national intelligence or director of cia was not supposed to do policy, i would usually invite george give us hisample to view about what the policy should be. and he would always say -- i am director of cia and we don't do policy but if you ask my opinion -- i was thought it was helpful. have i missed something? mr. stimson: shaking his head no. in one of the panels this morning, they discussed at length overseas collection of intelligence. they talked about it in various contexts but they also talked about it in the context of section 70 two and expires next year and hopefully will be reauthorized. how valuable is information about foreign leaders to the president and what role does positive foreign intelligence play in the run-up to those types of bilateral or multilateral meetings? usually come up when the president would meet with the foreign leader or go on a trip, there would be a one-to page document for the president which was helpful for the president that has not met those leaders. in the second te