because across the street from me the city is doing a low income housing project and little boys unspfrd came and broke any windows by throwing rockies the windows i'm down to one cat when i went to the property and said i want the people that own those this children to it pay for the windows guess what they moved out didn't leave a forwarding addresses for someone to pay for it including me i have barley be able to keep going on my income i'm resistant full that i'm not getting more help from the city i've supply to suffer or something like that give us up to $15,000 which will cover all the windows this is have not yielded answered back yet the past i have done business with the rebuilding together i haven't applied to them again for this round of aggravation but i will if necessary the big problem at the bottom is that i have no money to do these things with otherwise they would have been done years ago i don't want the place to be falling down around my ears it is simple i'm going to have money to do the repairs and almost nobody has leans money i only found out about that surf the o