. >> americares is trying to make that happen. >> reporter: shirleen, diana, the first wave of supplies is items that have been requested but americares will have their own people on the ground to determine what is needed and where. the labeling makes it clear that these are emergency supplies, and soon they will be here at earthquake-ravaged ecuador. >> basic things in some cases like bandages, pain medication and supplies for crush injuries because earthquakes result in those types of injuries. >> reporter: two team members there report back what is needed. crews are trying to find people in the rubble that killed hundreds and injured thousands as damage is assessed in rural areas. >> 1 of the challenges of the government is having reached the communities to find out what the devastation is. so when our team is on the ground, they can better report back. students in staples high school from westport were already there with the group builders beyond borders. all the students are fine as epicenter. but an american teacher living there had a close call. his building was heavily damaged.