i want to take this opportunity if i may to introduce the best daughter anyone ever had, andrea hart.plause] gary hart: i was tempted to introduce the next first lady of the united states, but i will simply say, the best white beste ever had, -- the -- wife anyone ever had, leigh hart. [applause] we would like to thank each and every one of you for coming out here today. you have been our supporters, contributed and boosters for many years. we are strengthened and heartened by your presence and we thank you. i want to say a special word of thanks to a very large group of the best organizers that any candidate for any office has ever had. and say a personal word of thanks to all of that organized this rally, particularly mike stratton. let's give them a hand. [applause] gary hart i intend to seek the : presidency of the united states in 1988. [cheers] [applause] gary hart: and i do so for one single reason. that is i love my country. this country is 250 million human beings united by a common history and heritage and set of beliefs. but america is and always has been an ideal. this lan