amy cuddy's power positions? we use that a lot in teaching self-defense and i hope everybody who hasn't seen it will google amy cuddy, cu dd y and power poses. it's very helpful. i don't know if anybody noticed, before a presentation i was in the back in the wonder woman position. what i want you to do is in the confined space you have, take one little step back and put your hands up. and how you're going to put your hands up is like this. and with kids we call it a stop sign but basically it's your body language setting a limit. whoever did that. you're using your body language to set a limit. you could be doing this in a low-key situation. we've been hearing about the continuum all day. you could do this in a low key situation where somebody is saying something that bothers you all the way up to a full body attack. this reinforces what you are saying and if it turns into a full attack this is also your guard so you already have your hands up, they are ready to go. they can shield your head and faces which is the most important part to protect. everybody in your stance had you want the hands to also be close togeth