reverend john weems from calvary presbyterian church, bishop jackson. both are in san francisco. both located in very, very different neighborhoods. >> how did you connect with reverend weems and the church. >> i was attending and i got a phone call, a cold call from reverend john weems who expressed the desire to meet me in person, marian stan tin, the board of trustees at the sem mary where i was a doctoral student suggested that john get in touch with me and we began to talk about some of the issues we're affecting the african-american community. >> what precipitated reverend weems, what precipitated the phone call then? >> well after the charleston mass se cure, i think like many church folk and people across the country that welcomed a man into their inner circle and bible study and then having him turn on them as he did was heartbreaking. when speaking with marion from the seminary as bishop mentioned, she grew up in alabama and just expressed the sent timent that san francisco is more divided. we didn't want to just offer a prayer and moving on like everything was all right