host: another disciple of albert wohlstetter was paul wolfowitz. from -- this is from 2004. tch this. >> the early part of the book, you dedicate your part of it to mr. wohlstetter, who was he? >> he was a great man, a dear friend. he was probably the single most significant influence on strategic thinking in this country in the postwar. . postwar period. he was at once, chairman of the research council at the rand corporation. he was a man trained in mathematics, logic, who was extraordinarily rigorous. he always asked the question, "is this true? " -- havewould he thought thought about what we did in afghanistan and iraq? time,alilzad: the first when i was working in the pentagon, kuwait happened. obviously successfully of out i used to get a lot of calls from albert at the time. -- he was very persistent. when he became convinced that rankhing, he was not conscious. he would call anyone and everyone at all levels to keep pushing his point of view. time, that at that the united states should have pursued saddam, and brought about a change in iraq by enabling iraqi