maybe we should let wall street come in and run the city of flynt.inancial sector. you are a democrat. >> if that parking contractor can do a better job, we friep resources. john: why can the contractor do a better job. >> they apply technology. john: why can't the city apply technology. >> the city was in financial distress. john: private companies go out of business if they don't do a good job. i'll let the jersey city mayor answer that. what if they screw up? >> they are toast. we'll give the contract to somebody else. there is nothing like the prospect of a hanging. >> these men worked for jersey city water when the department said it couldn't be done. now they do what couldn't be done. >> are you working harder? yes, you are always on the go, every date many something different. john: were you goofing off before? >> occasionally. >> government workers, many of them are hard workers, but you can't fire the bad ones. it creates a culture where people don't work that hard. >> there are certain challenges involved with dealing with a government work