h.h. stevens views on hindus. >> hh stevens. a hindu never did one solitary thing for humanity in the past 2000 years, and will probably not in the next 202000. >> hh stevens was a strong opponent of asian immigration. of course, his voters supported his position. >> it was absolutely a part of the nationbuilding project for canada both to say these are people who can become canadians, these are people who cannot. say, andd of that, to we have the power to exercise that. amy: i want to go to another clip from the documentary "continuous journey." , here we learn how canada discriminated against particular immigrants depending on their alleged desirabibility. >> building in vancouver since the early days when shiploads of indian immigrants started arriving. the authorities did everything they could to discourage them from settling in canada. >> it was clear that politicians were talking about a white canada policy. it was proclaimed every day in newspapers. it was proclaimed in parliament, you know, johnny mcdonald and one of his