editors was founded by most of them but jennifer doudna backed out. daybasic because of the patent fight, i think. so it goes. so editas, i forget what it was big it originated terrible that someone came up with editing, editas, david? which is supposed to be gene editing for humans basically. we're talking hundreds of millions right there right now already. intellia is a joint venture between, the company caribou. and novas is the original pharmaceutical and a bunch of -- countries don't mean that much. i'm serious, countries don't mean that much to these people. they move around internationally. 350 million, five year deal and lots more money, as they say. so this comes back on this brings us back. that's the context. i wanted to put the big question, this is the big question as i see. government regulation and control, of which people, by which people and for which people? this is something where i think we can, i think biocurious has an interest in this as well. i think that some of us have sort of a philosophical interest, some of us have a finan