meiburg and mister sullivan?yes congressman it is and that's very important that we make sure the system is not now subject to ... >> to take hard-working people and then cast them out on some political basis and i think that should be protected. however, the reports we have here, i have 12 pages of some of the most egregious abuses. i can't find any instance in which anyone wasfired . did you say there were 15,000 epa employees? is that correct? >> more than that. >> yes that's correct. >> you say mister sullivan you had 280 investigators. >> no sir, we have 360 five years ago, now we are down to 289 289 staff, and what do they do? x we have investigations. >> so the investigate ... within the ..., i'm sorry they are investigating, looking at revealing the conduct of the 15,000 epa employees? >> ihave 50 agents now that have investigations . >> last year, 2015 how many people were fired from the epa? >> i'd have to defer to mr. meiburg. >> mr. meiburg, how many were fired? >> i don't know ... >> were any ever fi