we are used to o our litigations unr r the natitional legislatio, the romanian national legislslation. in most of the time, we have won lawsuits. arbitration is ureredictable.. i am n not sure that we can win. >> the case could end up being a good deal for gabriel resources. a u.s. lawyer works with the tribunals. it is a lucrative business. >> it is a big ticket claim, generally. generally, investments into states by foreign investors involves a lot of money and a big damage recovery. to have it in the billions is kind of unusual. therefore, these claims have become interesting to funders. >> the controversial free-trade deals that are under negotiation by the eu and north america could bring private arbitration systems to other parts of europe. this is why there have been protests all over the continent. protesters have criticized the courts that would allow the companies to sue governments over losses of profits. there are tough negotiations going on in brussels and the u.s. is in favor of private arbitration. many in the eu have doubts. the german economy minister has called for a