and another donor, of course, to the franklin institute is the charles g. koch charitable foundation. that one's self-explanatory. so if you look at what's going on at the franklin center, you see koch people, koch money and koch buddies. then there is the so-called james madison institute. a libertarian think tank with a long history of trying to undermine climate science and renewable energy policy. yale's professor justin farrell lists the james madison institute among the organizations he tracks contributing to the polarization of climate change debate. the heartland institute, yes, that wonderful unabomber group, a senior fellow for environmental policy, is on the james madison institute's research advisory council. i mean, it is such a web of connections. according to research by the american bridge project, the madison institute received over $1.4 million in direct donations from koch affiliateed groups. between 2003 and 2013, they received funding from the john templeton foundation, which -- quote -- tries to encourage the integration of religious belief