riis smoot was an early morning apostle and u.s. senator. n apostle for the church running for national office did not sit well with some. long series of a occuronies were called to smoot before he could be elected said for the senate. they took testimonies of key leaders of the church and others including the president of the church at that time. they would ask a series of questions mostly about the practice of polygamy and at that time, the president of the church, president smith was a practicing polygamist. there are some good political cartoons related to this time period. s did not see any of the one reed smoot kept. there are a few that relate to this time. some of these might be related to the fears going on. some of these relate to the testimony of president smith. there are some things said that put the church in a bad light or put him in a bad light. most helpful to smoot.ith -- reed showing how he might have felt after hearing president smith's testimony. they were all over. there are many political cartoons of that time. there w