kind of like, i guess, maybe a subcapital through the main capital there at cahocia. the society, the mississippians existed on this site for over 300 years. now, after that period of time, some reason, they left this site. we have no idea why, what happened, if it was, you know, a change in climate, a change in, you know, religious beliefs, or, you know, or what. maybe it might have been warfare, who knows? but this site was abandoned, and then about 100 years later, the park service has a site just about a mile and a half south of here, along the ocmulgee river called lamar. a little different culture, still a mound-building culture. the lamar culture then is the one who desoto came in contact with in 1540. and then, unfortunately, with the rival desoto, that greatly affected the prehistoric peoples. some archaeologists i heard talk as much as 70%, 80% loss of life. after that great loss of life, that according to the muskogee is the remnants of the various groups touched by desoto came together here at ocmulgee and set down together and created a new confederacy of