we look at hisperspective for pretty black and white -- especially compared to today's politics where you don't know quite who is doing what to goma. -- to whom. he was the personification of good versus bad, right versus wrong, whether you agree with him or not. i think that had a lot of appeal by the time the 1950's and certainly 1964 came about. >> i'm going to come back later. they were far right extremists. they were basically willing to knock on doors until there knuckles were bloody. they were willing to sabotage other campaigns. it was seen as the fight for civilization itself. the other candidateswas his tac? >> rottenness. he ran a very smart campaign. he made barry goldwater the issue as opposed to the issues being the issue. the barry goldwater was painted as a crazy person. there were things put out by the johnson campaign that some groups of psychiatrists and a america came out with a statement that barry goldwater was mentally ill. some of you probably remember that. adds to get a sense of the issues and personality of that campaign. >> this particular fought only bring