please help me jasmÍn nielsen. >> i'm thinking that those shouldn't be parallel lines. had farms disappearing and we had people in the city who were hungry and they cast around for a while, the very first conference the very first year and what they eventually hit on as the first thing they did with csa, at the point food founded, there was a focus and a whole lot of others in the city. from the very beginning there was a focus on making sure that that was accessible to everyone regardless of income, so you know csa involves payment funds but we encourage revolving loans, pay as you go for certain people and lobbied to make sure you could use snap benefits or food benefits. so we do that in a variety of ways, we support urban farmers and community gardeners and growing for their communities. out of that, they said, now they are growing. we teach people how to teach their neighbors how to grow and out of that, they said, now we are growing enough food that we want to formally sell it and we want to start our own farmer's markets so they told us we had to learn and learne