denver police officer john atsit is one of them. he was hit by a car in december 2014. he was critically hurt. he has undergone more than a dozen surgeries and still has limit movement in his left arm because of nerve damage. he returned to work at the end of optimistic. >> it's been an incredibly long journey. there were ups and downs throughout the way that i wasn't sure this day would come and doctors told me this day may never come. so i just -- i'm blessed. i'm blessed. >> he is inspiring. and he did not stop there. he says he had amazing support during his it's a non-profit charity. it's hosting the rise and run 5k this weekend to honor this man who was shot several times in the line of duty. we're going to talk to him live at 7:15 over on channel 20 this morning. >> that is terrific. and the officer has really worked hard to help, you know, help get this going for other officers. >> absolutely. >> hey, we want to give you a chance to thank a police officer who has made a difference in your life. just give a shout out to those in your city. we've already gotten qu