. >> amber dressed up as mia wallace from pulp fiction. her boyfriend was a zombie. only half the people knew they was from the film so everybody called them the zombie couple. >> she has that hole in her chest from where she gets that injection of adrenaline whatever. a drug overdose going on. that's pretty good i like that. >> that zombie too those eyes. think, i wonder if his eyes are they are like hulk like. if you have someone special on tv make them our picture of the day email the photo to pictures@themorningblend.com. [laughter] >>> in honor of halloween i can't stop laughing. >> i love it today we thought we should start happy hour a little early. >> look at mateo. [laughter] >> good morning. it's about brad. >> that's so awe home. awesome. >> i hate squirrels. >> so does my friend anna hendricks. >> really? >> brad is from camp bar they have awesome locations at wauwatosa, the third ward and shorewood. >> you got to get that guy. you always bring the best props. >> i tike a picture of the badger once everybody thought it was real. >> i did she was like go bu